Friday, November 25, 2011

Glacier 2011 Trip

Well, one more summer has come and gone and in Montana, the time is precious.  Here are our photos of our trip.  As usual, I, the mother had forgotten the camera so we used Rudy's.  It is not the best so the pics are a little fuzzy. But, hey, its better than having nothing.  Rudy is 10 this year so I think he has hit the age of the no smiling...........   We went to a new place this year, Two Medicine Campground and it was spectacular.  Enjoy. 

Smores for ever:

We hiked to Rockwell falls, Rorys first hike at about 7 miles round trip.  He is getting tougher.

Picking tons of huckleberries, we competed with the bears but thankfully never saw one. We ate till we could no more.

The end of the Day!!  Tired but happy.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer fun in June 2011

National Bison Range

National Bison Range Refuge

On top of the mountain at Bison Refuge overlooking the Mission Mountain Range with Papa

Here is our special picture for our friend Lupine!

Columbia River Water Slide

Look, Mom is on the prowl to bump the boys

Rudy getting ready for a ballon fight
Rory getting ready for the fight

Mommy fighting

Rory fighting and..............

Rudy going down!!!!!

And here is a very short, short video Rory loves to show.  I accidently hit the wrong button, but here is him showing off.

Monday, June 13, 2011

More kitten pictures!

I have the last of the kitten pictures, they loved playing in the garage and the tree.  Here are some of them doing what they love and of the boys enjoying them...............

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Prince Harry


We have so many pictures of the kittens, but I cant find the camera.  I have posted some from Rudy's camera.  So cute, they are going to be 8 weeks old tomorrow and will all start to go to there new homes.  We will miss them all.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sledding fun at Nana's house in Flathead. Papa bought the boys really fast sleds and they had a blast comming off the hill left left by the snow plow. They had lots of snow this winter so the boys had fun over the x-mas break!
More mics pictures of the Barkley animals..........

We were found again, at least she waited for a year after the dog. We have a new member of the family, I think she is here to stay, Roy is not so convinced just yet. The first time the boys saw her, they said she looks like a tiger, so hence the name stuck. Welcome Tiger! She may be pregnant so we are going to wait till this spring to see if more show up, any one wanting a new kitten just let us know. We first spied her under the shed and she was shy of us but once we petted her she loved us and followed us all around. The other two cats each have there place, Little Bob has the cat shed and Wild Cat has the hay stack. However Tiger makes everyone mad because she is young and fast and runs around all the other cats spot. She loves to come in the house and have a snooze, a bowl of milk and then on her way to play outside. I just hope she only has one or two kittens. Rory took some pictures: